Inner Life Work with Daniel Yoel Cohen
It's time to come fully into life.
The Work
Working with challenging thoughts, emotions, decisions, and relationships, revealing the living heart and soul
What is the Living Heart?
Support in accessing who you're here to be
Part I
There is an entire generation of people struggling with a sense of being alone on the journey of life, drained by battles with anxiety and the inner critic, waylaid by troublesome thoughts and judgments, tripped by unhelpful emotional patterns, unfulfilled by distant or superficial relationships, and often at a loss for how to move forward in personal life and career from a place of inner congruence. Dreams unfulfilled, hearts and souls out of reach.
I am on a mission to provide the guidance, transformative change work, and training that leads people to lives rich with intimacy and connection, radiant with aliveness, confidence, and clarity, and flush with the fulfillment that comes when we live close to the heart and soul and live our purpose in the world.
Part II
Imagine walking around in the world with the sense that everybody is on your team and motivated to help you get what you need to live a wonderful life. And that you derive great joy from making life more wonderful for other people. I believe this is the world we were born to live in and that it is a real possibility, one which I see emerging through the healing and empowering approach of Nonviolent Communication.
Most people I know long for flow, connection, intimacy, resilience, and a collaborative, mutually giving and caring spirit in their relationships, both personal and professional. Fewer people I know actually have grown up with the capacities and competencies that make these a real, everyday possibility. Since encountering Marshall Rosenberg's Nonviolent/Compassionate Communication (NVC) in 2010, it's been my growing passion to share the very concrete and accessible ways through which we can learn those modes of being, thinking, and communicating that support the aliveness, harmony, healing, and relational richness for which we yearn. As such, I offer trainings, workshops, and individual and couples' sessions in NVC-based approaches to resonant, connective communication. Those spaces of discovery, growth, and shared aliveness are one of my favorite ways of being alive together. I'm ever evolving my teaching out of a desire to help people internalize and embody the felt sense and the practical skills toward this quality of living/relating. If you'd like to bring these possibilities into your relationships or the teams you work with, I'd love to help make that happen.
Where we're heading:
The poet Mary Oliver charged us with the question, “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Through our collaboration you can experience the shifts, release, and growth, and learn the empowering tools and practices to come to experience life as wild and precious, to know and live with the sense you've intuited or hoped is possible.
If this approach speaks to you, you’re in the right place. (You might even go ahead and take a moment to enjoy that feeling of resonance)
Who is this for?
I'm on a mission to help you live the life of intimacy, connection, richness, and flow that you were born to live.
Who do I work with?
People with strong motivation to make change and who have struggled with being:
- drained by constant struggle with your inner critic, troublesome thoughts and emotions
- paralyzed by anxiety, impeded from optimum performance and flow
- disheartened by disconnectedness or distance in your life and relationships
- stuck in indecision and cut off from your inner wisdom about how to move forward in your personal or professional life
- feeling alone in your journey, even though you may be surrounded by friends and colleagues
- frustrated by having a vision for your life but not knowing how to realize it
- stuck in regret or resentment and living in the past
- lacking the presence and mindfulness you know would enrich your life and balance your emotions, seeking to progress or deepen in meditation practice or along your spiritual path
What can you look forward to?
Eagerness, Fulfillment, Intimacy, Resilience, Peace.
- Living a life that pulses with the richness of intimacy, presence and connection
- Radiating aliveness, confidence, and clarity
- Living close to and congruent with your heart and soul in your relationships and in your professional life
- Knowing how to be your own ally, friend, and champion in the good times and the hard ones
- Confident in what you need to do, how to do it, and supported and guided along the way
- Free of the bonds of the past
- Walking through your day with an open heart and clear mind
About Me
I help people to be alive. And I love doing it.
"What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
~ Mary Oliver ~
I have traveled the journey from a place of inner struggle to a life of passion, confidence, and inner peace (a lot of the time anyway...my own healing and growing journey very much continues). I love being alive, learning, sharing, and enjoying a fullness of heart and presence of soul in my everyday life and relationships.
So I connect with people and create a space for them to access and integrate the resources and experience the healing that move towards ease and aliveness, release from stuckness and return to flow, and to develop the skills and habits of mind and attention to live there more and more.
My background
In 2010 I graduated from the Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania, widely regarded as one of the top universities in the world. Yet towards the end of my time there I began to notice how so many of my peers, decked out in fine clothes and gear and heading to work at the most prestigious institutions in the worlds of finance and business, were nonetheless often lost, spoke to me of selling their souls, were confused about their true direction and disconnected from the inner compass of their emotional and spiritual lives. A look into their eyes betrayed a sense of being existentially unmoored, with no where and no one to turn to for the kind of inner guidance that would return the spark and wholeness to life…
I realized that my calling was to meet people in the place of searching, struggling, and reckoning and to provide guidance along the path.
In the years hence I have made it my life's work to walk that path and know it well, leading me to explore a wide variety of fields, intensive meditation and spiritual practice (including over a year of cumulative silent retreat) alongside the study of ancient wisdom in Israel, India, Nepal, and Mexico, as well as the modern worlds of psychotherapy and transformative change work.
I'm ever curious and exploring modalities that support meaningful and effective healing, growth, and generativity. I've explored Nonviolent Communication (NVC), have completed the 2 year comprehensive Hakomi training in Mindfulness-Based Somatic Psychotherapy. I have also gained significantly from training in and practicing Andrew T Austin's Metaphors of Movement and Integral Eye Movement Therapy and Connirae Andreas's Core Transformation and Wholeness Work, and have been training since 2017 in Steve Hoskinson's cutting edge Organic Intelligence modality. The Organic Intelligence systems approach offers a whole new paradigm for easeful changework and healing, and attention to how our biological systems are continually offering us just what we need, if only we learn to recognize and receive it.
I am deeply rooted in Jewish wisdom and spiritual practice and in 2011 was the founding director of Or HaLev (Light of the Heart) - Center for Jewish Spirituality and Meditation, where I have guided hundreds of retreat participants in the practice of mindfulness meditation.
From 2016 to 2019 I was grateful to serve as a Guiding Teacher with Mindful Schools in their trainings in Mindfulness Fundamentals and Mindful Communication where I supported thousands of educators and others around the world in developing competence in mindfulness and skillful communication.
These days I work independently, in various partnerships, and as part of the core faculty of the Evolve Foundation.
I am profoundly grateful that my life is colored by deep listening, heartfulness, curiosity, humor, and love of people, and I'm eager to share those with you.
We've been doing good work here. What will yours say?
"Working with Danny has helped open me up to the possibilities that life holds - a life where I bring compassion and love to myself and others . In just a couple short months of living and practicing alongside guidance from Danny, I feel I have made much progress towards living a more present, aware and fulfilling existence. Danny offers great insight through incorporating his personal experiences, context/knowledge of a vast array of literature, various meditation techniques, and practical suggestions. Danny is deeply dedicated to this work and keeps me in mind often - sending along articles, videos and events that may help advance my efforts. As a result of our work together, I am more aware of the many moments throughout the day where I experience joy, love, and connection. I am also learning to recognize when I have unmet needs, and to offer myself compassion and kindness in more challenging times. It has been a blessing to benefit from Danny's patience, thoughtful perspective, and quick-witted humor as I move forward in this journey!"
"I have had the great fortune to have crossed paths with Danny Cohen and embrace his unique skills
blending meditative techniques, deep intuitive thought, with an incredible understanding of God in our
personal lives. Danny takes into account one's needs as an individual and the feelings each of us
encompass in our daily lives. He has helped me to recognize the choices and experiences I have made in
the past resulted in a profound understanding of my emotional well-being today. By understanding
these connections, I have come to terms with many past issues which have made my current day to day
living a much more stress-free, balanced and peaceful experience – each and every day."
"Danny, It was an utter delight and pleasure to be part of your magnificent workshop. Your transparency and willingness to show yourself and be vulnerable set the scene for safety and unexpected revelations for individuals and as a group. As I mentioned, for me personally, I pulsated with life force and felt the space, a space of thriving, love and excitement. Much gratitude." ~ Dr. Melanie Landau
"I’ve been blessed to connect with Danny Cohen in several ways, all intertwined and each way enhancing the others.
Danny has been one of my meditation guides. In this capacity, the soft tone and gentleness in his voice combined with his clear guidance and support warmly invites me into my own personal journey into the meditative experience. His encouragement gently coaxes me to be more disciplined and committed, surely not out of guilt but out of dwelling in Danny’s space of inspiration. He simply increases my own desire to move further and further into a deeper and increasingly non-judgmental place within me. This has profoundly affected my day. Added to this, Danny’s teachings on mindful living, which so naturally flow out of his guided meditations, have literally brought me to both a place of inner serenity and accountability for my own life in ways I always hoped for.
Danny has also been my teacher in Nonviolent Communication (NVC). His commitment to teach how to communicate in a way that nurtures compassion and closeness is of the highest caliber. He himself role models the NVC way of both speaking and listening as he engages with the “other” where transparency and vulnerability prevail, allowing for a genuine and warm connection. Danny would not only bring his tenured experience in NVC to class, not only his passion and sense of joy to share this way of communicating with his students, but as well, he brought resources, exercises and a well thought-out lesson for each week. He raised the bar, challenged us in the safest way imaginable, and again, has profoundly affected how I now go about my day --- how I listen and how I speak as I engage with others." - Yiscah Smith, spiritual guide and spiritual activist
"In 11 years of marriage and working on understanding how to communicate on an emotional level, in 3 hours of NVC with Danny I genuinely gained more insight and depth than these last 11 years"
Stay Connected
Subscribe to get insights, reflections, and recommended practices for living with more intimacy, richness, inspiration, wholeness, and connection, and to hear about upcoming courses and resources to support you in living the relational life you were born for. Expect them every 2 weeks.
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The first stage of our work together is to identify what is between you and the life you want. You may already be conscious of some aspects of that and we may also identify parts or subconscious programming that you’re not yet aware of. This work will bring insight and direction on your path and reveal ways you are unconsciously co-creating your experience, providing profound freedom and empowerment to choose otherwise. In further stages of the work we’ll structure a path that combines the transformative personal work with skills building and practice as suits your needs - the steps that will bring you into the life you’ve been longing for. The work will be tailored individually to you and may involve shifting conscious and unconscious self-image, resolving your problematic thought patterns, transforming troublesome emotions into helpful ones, training in the pathways of connecting and compassionate communication with self and others, cultivating mindfulness, spiritual practices and daily habits, narrative work, and other reflective processes and personal work that will bring you out of the whirlpool and into the river of Life. Be in touch at livetheheart@gmail.com to discuss options for working together or organizing a workshop, retreat, or training.Warmest wishes and blessings.
© 2015